Pre-Session Questionnaire for Doctors Step 1 of 6 0% HiddenReferer URL Practice Name Name First Last Have you ever taken the DiSC Personality Assessment? Yes No What is your DiSC Profile?Drag choices to arrange the DiSC characteristics in the order you rank for each with your highest scored characteristic on the top and lowest scored on the bottom.D - Dominancei - InfluenceS - SteadinessC - Compliance When it comes to leadership in your work, with your team and with patients, what are your strengths? When it comes to leadership in your work, what are your struggles? What aspects of your progress toward your ideal vision for your practice do you feel need attention? What would you like us to spend time strategizing, troubleshooting or clarifying? What are your top three objectives for our time together? Are there specific questions, concerns or goals that we should be aware of as we prepare for our time together?